On the 28th of October 2021, BirdLife, HeidelbergCement, CEMBUREAU, Eurogypsum, and UEPG released the “Extractive Sector Species Protection Code of Conduct” – a guidance for the management of temporary habitats linked to the extractive sector.
The Code of Conduct will build on the provisions of the EU’s Birds and Habitats Directives and suggests a manageable approach for the extraction sector to protect species and fully respect the Birds and Habitats Directives by conserving nature through the implementation and management of temporary habitats. The European Commission’s Directorate-General for the Environment has also given input in this Code of Conduct, which aims at becoming a reference guide to Member States and their (permitting) authorities, by providing a checklist, and practical suggestions on how to manage biodiversity in extraction sites in harmony with the species protection provisions.
Eurogypsum’s President Emmanuel Normant said:
“We are proud to join forces with BirdLife Europe and other major European extractive industries, to go the extra mile in applying common practices for species protection in quarries.“
Read here the full press release on the launch of this major document.