Our Team:


Secretary General

Tristan Suffys
Tel: +32 2 227 11 45

Senior Public Affairs Officer

Annita Papa
Tel: +32 4 906 465 94

Public Affairs      Officer

Alicja Szambelan
Tel: +32 4 876 300 96

Eurogypsum includes:

  • A General assembly of ordinary member representatives, which meets once a year;
  • A Board of Directors, responsible for administration and management of the association, elected for a period of two years (renewable), which meets at least once a year. The Board of Directors elects a President and a Vice President from its members, to serve for a term of two years.
  • Three committees, set up to meet the various requirements of the association. Each committee has the right to set up working groups for the study of specific subjects. The committees are:
    • The Raw Material Committee;
    • The Environment and Sustainability Committee;
    • The Scientific and Technical Committee

Our Members

A full members list can be found here.

Our Partners

Eurogypsum is:

  • An associate member of Construction Products Europe (CPE), an umbrella group of national and European construction products associations.
  • A member of the Construction 2050 Alliance (C2050), which brings together 47 EU associations, from construction products, to contractors, SMEs, building owners, machinery producers, social housing operators, engineers, promoters and many more. The construction sector needs to have a coherent and targeted policy approach and the Alliance works together to highlight the contribution of the built-environment to the EU Green Deal.
  • A signatory member of the European Social Dialogue Agreement on workers' health protection through the good handling and use of crystalline silica and products containing it - and the European Network on Silica (NEPSI);
  • A member of Industry4Europe, a large and unprecedented coalition of organisations dedicated to campaigning for an ambitious EU Industrial strategy;
  • A member of the Raw Materials Supply Expert Group (RMSG) coordinated by DG GROW, the European Commission department of Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs;
  • A member of the European Raw Materials Alliance (ERMA), a platform launched in September 2020 by European Commission Vice-President Šefčovič and Commissioner Breton, aimed at securing access to critical and strategic raw materials, advanced materials, and processing know-how for EU Industrial Ecosystems;
  • A member of the Strategic Coordination Group for the Water Framework and Floods Directives,coordinated by DG Environment, the European Commission environment department;
  • A partner of the BUILD UP initiative: a project part-funded by the EU to improve the energy efficiency of buildings;
  • A member of the European Business Advisory Group for the European Platform on Life Cycle Assessment, coordinated by the JRC-Institute for Environment and Sustainability, a European Commission research agency;
  • A member of the Non-Energy Extractive Industry Panel (NEEIP), a construction industry umbrella group that aims represent specific interests of the non-energy mineral community to the EU Institutions;
  • A member of the REACH Alliance; a business network coordinated by the Industrial Minerals Association - Europe (IMA-Europe), and designed to support implementation of EU chemicals registration legislation REACH.
  • A member of the B&B Platform, the EU Business and Biodiversity Platform; 
  • A member of the Energy Intensive Industries Alliance
  • A member of Society of European Affairs Professionals (SEAP), the recognised organisation of all EU public affairs professionals including those operating in trade associations, corporations, consultancies, not for profits and other representative bodies.